portrait Youri Martel outdoors, sports course

My career as a personal trainer at home and in a private studio

I am Youri Martel , personal trainer in Avignon. For 10 years, I have accompanied a demanding clientele wishing to transform their lives positively : individuals, men, women, seniors, health professionals, celebrities, luxury agencies as well as local and international companies.

This long experience of personal trainering has allowed me to understand the blockages and limiting beliefs that prevent you from moving forward, from progressing in sports practice, from harmonizing your body and mind to become the most beautiful version of yourself. My coaching method combines the pleasure of effort, adaptation and efficiency. I accompany you throughout your cycle to motivate you to give the best of yourself !

Sport, hypnosis and nutrition: my three-dimensional method transforms your physique, frees your mind and your emotions to engage your body and mind 100% towards your success! A complete, exclusive, effective method to achieve your goals.

“I accompany you towards the success of your physical transformation by releasing all your potential. »

I book a call with my personal trainer

Youri Martel, your personal trainer in Avignon

Who is Youri Martel? What are the secrets of his coaching method? How to overcome your limits and blockages with personal personal trainering?

Albane, accompanied by Youri, became a personal trainer in turn. She shares her story with us: 

“Youri has an altruistic personality, he is curious, turned towards others, connected to people. These qualities are fundamental for personal trainering, which is why I am pleased to speak of him, with honor and recognition. Coaching with Youri is an adventure, an absolutely transformative human experience.”

sports and mental coach Youri Martel Avignon

Access infinite positive energy

« Well-being and results are felt at all levels. I wondered where his always encouraging smile came from, and I realized over time that his fuel is us. Our success. Our overtaking. Our own revelation boosts it and it just creates a virtuous circle. An accompanying-accompanied cohesion. It’s endless positive energy ! »

Human and sports skills

« In addition to his human qualities of empathy, listening and natural positivity, Youri is a competent and conscientious professional in his sports and psychological practices. He is a certified expert in sports performance and knowledge, but also in personal development, which he has perfectly integrated into his coaching style. »

Bringing body and mind together

“All those who aspire to live a real coherence between their body and their spirit will be sensitive to my testimony. I am one of the lucky people who had the opportunity to cross paths with Youri as a personal trainer. I have put a true mentor in my life. Youri believed in me and helped me identify and overcome my blockages. He accompanied me where I hoped to go, and even beyond, towards a potential that I could not even imagine. »

personalized sports coaching Youri Martel Avignon

Listening, generosity, presence: personalized personal trainering

A listening and caring coach, he has only one ambition: to accompany you to accomplish yourself, to flourish and to believe in yourself! Youri is a generous, present coach, who knows how to listen, with interest and without any judgment, to better understand you, to better accompany you. It offers tailor-made support, personalized physical training and individualized mental support. Youri considers each person to be unique, with their own personality, strengths, weaknesses, self-image… And in order to offer the most personalized coaching possible; he constantly adapts to the physical, mental and emotional state of the people he trains.

« One hour with Youri in his private gym is the guarantee of leaving lighter, with a smile on your face and a chest bulging with pride. Nothing seems impossible in this space, I would even say that within this carrier energy everything becomes possible. »

I book a call with my personal trainer

« I decided to move towards personal coaching to devote myself fully to the person I train and create a strong bond with him. My goal is for her to feel supported, supported, listened to and encouraged so that we can achieve her goal together! »

Certified physical and mental trainer

My personal trainer certifications

  • Graduated with a Master’s degree in Physical Preparation from the UFR STAPS in Montpellier
  • Master Practitioner in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)
  • Practitioner in flash and Ericksonian hypnosis
  • State Certificate of Sports Educator (card number 08413ed0058)

Your success is my life mission

Resolve your blockages, push you to surpass yourself, free yourself from all the weight (physical and mental) that prevents you from flourishing in your body and in your life :

Youri puts all his know-how at the service of your potential.

Much more than just a profession, his job as a coach is his life mission: this is why he has this visceral need to help you succeed in your personal projects exploiting your full potential! »

Your testimonials, my greatest reward!